Isabella and Patrek - Always. Forever.
(Edit - Patrek Mallister)
The journey back to Winterfell.
(Edit - Patrek Mallister)
House Mallister of Seagard.
(Edit - Patrek Mallister)
The Quest. Heart of courage SL.
(Edit - Patrek Mallister)
(Edit - Patrek Mallister)
(Edit - Patrek Mallister)
(Edit - Patrek Mallister)
(Edit - Patrek Mallister)
Jack and Geoffrey.
(Edit - Patrek Mallister)
I sent flowers to nowhere,
I wrote poems to the wind
and my heart was,
the only one,
who never failed me.
I will wait you under the midnight sun,
just there, where the sea kiss the grains of sand,
where the stars guide us
to those paths we thought, we had lost.
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