This roleplay is meant to be fun and enjoyable for both the reader and the participants.
We will NOT tolerate abuse of our writers or our followers – any abusive behaviour will result in your being blocked.
Any racist, sexist or homophobic remark is never acceptable.
Our writing is aimed at an adult audience (21+). Please respect existing in-play relationships and do not hassle players for attention. Expect to be
politely rebuffed if you approach another player with unwelcome advances. If you persist you will be asked to leave. All writers are over 18 years old.
Please do not indulge in chat or roleplay of a sexual nature without first having discussed it with your chosen partner/s – always seek consent and do not assume it even if
it has been given previously.
Please note that virtual rape is still rape and that if we hear of it, we shall report the perpetrator of violence to the authorities.
Please do not ask our writers for personal information. Most of us enjoy the anonymity of being free to indulge in fantasy roleplay but ask to keep their real lives private. As you get to
know players through Direct Messaging some may share personal information but please keep it confidential and do not harass anyone who does not wish to share.
Also do not share information about players or messages between them and you with other participants without their expressed permission.